Hepatitis B

The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a major cause of liver disease. In some cases, a person can be infected with Hepatitis B for many years without having any symptoms. If this happens, hepatitis B can eventually progress to cause serious liver damage in some people.

Many people infected with Hepatitis B may be completely unaware that they have it because of the often silent nature of the infection. It is believed that of the 9000 people in Scotland estimated to have a chronic hepatitis B infection, only ~4000 have been diagnosed.

About Hepatitis B

To find out more about hepatitis B visit the NHS website.

Living with Hepatitis B Patient Booklet

If you have just been diagnosed with hepatitis B, this booklet can help to provide answers to some of the questions you have.

Hepatitis B in Scotland E-Learning

This free online course is full of information about what acute and chronic Hep B is, who is at risk of infection, and importantly, who should be getting tested.